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Where everybody
knows your name.

Park Circle Commons is now open with our first tenant, McDonalds. The shopping center will bring additional shopping, dining, and retail to the center of the Park Circle community. Experience the convenience of having all the essentials within a walkable distance, and you’ll see the allure of a place that feels like a true hometown.

Shop small at unique boutiques

Locally + nationally owned eateries

Open + inviting event space

Neighborhood happy hours

Calling all shopkeepers

Open up shop in Park Circle and help us fill our space with shops as unique + authentic as our Valley Center homeowners.

Meet the

Guess what? Even though it feels like you’re all wrapped up in your own personal slice of small-town charm, you’re still in San Diego! Park Circle has some chummy neighbors—Dixon Lake, Bates Nut Farm, and the San Diego Zoo Safari Park are all close by. And when you’re ready for a vacation, you can make it to the beach or the airport in under an hour.